It's a line often found in gay men's profiles on the various sites where gay men cruise for love and sex, not necessarily in that order. Adam4Adam. Manhunt. Gay.com. The list goes on. So do the admonitions by men of all races about one specific race.
No Blacks, sorry it's just a preference, nothing personal.
Nothing personal, my black ass.
What makes me “black” but a notion that's all in your mind?
Or am I "black" because you only acknowledge half of my ancestors?
My other ancestors are your ancestors.
Don't you see it in my light skin?
No Blacks, sorry it's just a preference, nothing personal.
I'm only black because your elders told you so.
They also conveyed to you other things about black people.
Probably how they felt about one of their children dating someone black.
But have you ever formed your own opinions about black people?
Do those opinions hold true for all black people?
Are all black people worthy of one single creed in your mind, a creed, like, no blacks, which is the same as saying: no black person in this world is worthy of my love, my sex, my heart, my dick, my spirit, my kiss, my laugh, the light in my eyes when I'm in love, my good energy. No nigger is worth any of that to me. That would be asking too much. I might be friends with a nigger, but love one? You gotta be fucking kidding me.
No Blacks, sorry it's just a preference, nothing personal.
Everything is personal.
Want to not make it personal?
Don't reduce me to a race.