I grew up a lonely boy who felt like a fag and just wanted one buddy for a life of love and adventure. Now I'm a lonely man who feels like a great guy and I still wanna find another great guy so we can be buddies for life.
We'll play like boys and love like men. Let's shoot hoops, toss the football around, go Trikking, and work up a manly sweat being buds in the great outdoors.
Then we'll turn all our private, nasty, kinky, raunchy fantasies into reality. Dig each other's ripe pits. Rim each other's funky asses for hours on end. Love, love, love all our troubles away.
We're not gay, straight or even bi. Fuck all that. We're buddies, like the great buddy duos of movies and TV. Let's make our own kind of relationship. Let's define who we are for ourselves. Let's be buddies
- Originally published on 9/18/08 as Let's Be Buddies.