Hopefully, in return, I can open up and bare all of my sexual soul, and together we can be a Jock Crazy buddy duo without worrying about whether we're gay or straight.
Perhaps I say it best in my fourth novel, Walt Loves the Bearcat:
"[My buddy and I] aren’t labels like gay, straight, bi. My soul has never spoken its True nature with those words. I was born a boy slash man. Later, I came to understand my desire to bond with another boy slash man, but not so that we could become gay men or straight men.
The closest anyone else has come to articulating the bond my soul desires is the buddy duo. Starsky and Hutch. Martin and Lewis. Butch and Sundance. My soul craves a buddy, not a lifestyle. Of course, my buddy and I are sexual together, make no mistake. But labels and lifestyles with labels are not part of any dream born within my soul. We make our own lifestyle and rules."—from Walt Loves the Bearcat