May 17, 2011

Poz Like Me

What if you had to live with HIV/AIDS for one whole week?

What if you had to live with HIV/AIDS for the rest of your life?

Would you tell your family and friends?

Would you tell your lover?

Would you tell the world?

Walk a mile in my shoes in the funky posts labeled Semper Poz.

May 16, 2011

Hungry, Thirsty and Horny

Was I born gay?

Was I born liking pizza? Was I born liking beer?

We're born needing food, drink and sex. How we like those things are acquired tastes, which is a dance between the brain and that which it encounters, not to mention how it encounters, when it encounters and why it encounters.

Was I born straight or gay? No. I was born hungry, thirsty and eventually, horny. The rest is details.

May 15, 2011

Words to Survive By

Every crisis, every problem, every bad day, every seemingly insurmountable challenge, every single thing you've even been through, you've always found a way to keep going.

Those words helped me survive HIV/AIDS in the late 1980s. Those words help me survive today.

See what other words and thoughts resonate in my mind in Funky Words.

May 1, 2011

Because somebody's gotta have the balls

Because somebody's gotta have the balls to say, I love my AIDS-infected body!

Because somebody's gotta possess the gonads to shout, I'm sexy, too! I want to be love, wanna feel sexy, wanna be the object of someone's affection, as seen on TV and in the movies.

Because the world needs to know: I may be living with HIV/AIDS, but I'm still living, which means I'm still human, which I means I still need the things all humans need.

Because somebody's gotta have the balls to see that I'm still human, still lovable, still sexy, still capable of being the object of someone's affection, even if it's me.

Because somebody's gotta have the balls.